
Grounding Bodywork for Balanced Growth


A standard Swedish therapeutic massage session, ranging from relaxation to treatment. Through a blending of these approaches, the therapeutic massage session aims to communicate with the nervous system to reduce excess muscle tone and to promote a parasympathetic neurological response, relaxation, by utilizing a variety of manual therapies.

Relaxation Massage

Slow and flowing, the relaxation massage session aims to meet the client where they are at, calming the nervous system and quieting the busy mind through a variety of Swedish massage techniques.

Treatment Massage

Treatment massage aims to create space for painless mobility by utilizing a wide range of manual therapies such as; myofascial release, neuromuscular release, trigger point therapy, lymphatic facilitation and many others.

Structural Medicine

A two hour bodywork session aimed to rebalance the tensional integrity of the myofascia for ease of mobility. Through a combination of evaluation techniques, manual therapy, movement lessons and dialog, these sessions aim to restore tensegrity of the body by beginning at the most restricted aspect of the myofascia and working outward with the intention of grounding the client in the present and unwinding the restrictions of the past to promote effortless movement forward. Combining these elements, the results of these sessions often last for weeks to a lifetime. More below.

Structural series

(Coming soon) A series of progressive structural integration sessions that build upon the last with the aim to realign the thoracolumbar junction of the spine, in gravity, for effortless mobility,

What is Structural Medicine?

Structural Medicine, as a practice, is a two-hour session akin to a blending of physical therapy and standard massage. You will be dressed the entire time so please wear loose athletic clothes; appropriate attire can be provided. The first five to ten minutes of the session is a postural assessment and range of motion tests, these observations inform the where to start and what is restricting the body. The rest of the two-hour session will be mostly manual therapy, similar to massage, but much slower, often deeper and with active movement. Once an area has established change, you may be asked to walk around or perform a movement lesson to create a strong neuromuscular connection to this new range of motion.

Structural medicine is a practice and a perspective. It’s an understanding that by changing the structure of the body, one can affect it’s function. It’s a belief that the body keeps the score, it remembers, it adjusts and it adapts to the many physical and emotional stresses that we experience throughout life. Ever felt like a ball of stress? Anger tighten your fists? Freeze in fear? Old injuries limit your present experience?

Structural Medicine believes that by utilizing a blend of manual therapies, dialog and movement lessons a person can move through the tensions and stresses of the past, stay grounded in the present and create changes that last a lifetime. Through the manipulation and reformation of the fascia’s tensional integrity, its tensegrity, the structure of the body can change, and therefore it’s function can change. Through changing how someone functions in life, how they move, react, and adapt, their perception of the world can change. If moving through life becomes easier, life feels easier.

The physical and the emotional are much more connected than we are led to believe. When life is stressful and we feel anxious or unsupported, our bodies tighten to give us this support. If these tightnesses remain, our body unconsciously thinks we need to be supported and we feel anxious—we become stuck in anxiety. Through unlocking these restrictions and relearning this support we can reconnect to that playful, effortless perspective we had on life as children. Through these structural medicine sessions one can take steps toward being grounded in the present, finding the root of the problem, and moving from the heart toward painless and effortless mobility. We cannot control the situations we find ourselves in, but we can control how we react, adapt and adjust to them. Book now and take steps toward an easier existence.


Grounding Bodywork for Balanced Growth